
Hi I’m Janey Bracken, I’ve been a resident in second life since March 2007 and my interests are having a laugh with my friends, making clothes, building stuff, shopping and looking round this vast and wonderful second life world.

I wrote the above para around the  beginning of November 2007, and although it all still applies, (I haven’t had much time for making clothes and building lately I must admit), I have recently become Editor to the Virtually London (lite) blog (owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust) www.virtuallylondonlite.co.uk as well as being a Second Life CNN reporter.  I meet many wonderful and interesting people who do amazing things in sl.  It has opened up a whole new part of the virtual world for me that I never knew existed.  Don’t just visit casino’s and dance yourself silly, get out there and look at art, poetry, sculpture, photography, writing groups, water sports, equestrian events, building classes, pets, virtual parks and places of beauty, ice skating, skiing, sailing……you name it, someone in sl is doing it.  Then why not think of something to start yourself, it’s a world where everything is possible!

10 Responses to About

  1. Check out the remarkable build in Privateer Space. Its an extrodianry sim built by one of the best (and presumed missing) builders in all of SL. Its worth your time. Howver be warned that the sim is huge built on 4 levels throught its 800 meter height. ANd its constantly under development, change, and evolution.

    Punky Pugilist

  2. Janey Bracken says:

    Thanks Punky I will definately check it out, sounds very interesting.

  3. bibomedia says:


  4. badi717 says:


  5. emzet says:

    one day you should go east of the globe, come to asia, of course to indonesia

  6. brooke says:

    hey i would like to play that game how do i find it

  7. Hello Brooke, Second Life is free and you can download it at http://www.Secondlife.com It’s not a game though, there are no rules and goals you have to make your own life in there.

    Best Wishes

  8. Rocket says:

    LOL, why do I keep running into you when surfing the web? This time searching for a beautiful woman in a crowd to try my hand at some artistic techniques and what shows up in the google search? Yup, the Janey Bracken we all know and love!

  9. Hi Rocket, nice to hear from you!! I have no idea why I turn up so much, I suppose I must be a form of spam, it must be because I talk too much!!

    J x

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