Pixi’s Back!! And Makeover Fun!

May 29, 2010

I had been waiting a long time to see Pixi, our fellow reporter on Virtually London (lite).  It has been months and months since I last saw her, she hasn’t been very well and unable to get onto SL and I had been so worried about her.  When she finally got back I’d missed her a couple of times by not being logged on, but when we did get together it was brilliant, she is the same Pixi, the bubbly lovely person so full of life and it was the best feeling ever.  We met in our old office in virtual Kensington and Pixi’s av looked very sadly in need of a makeover.  Hibiscus and Ed came over, it was the first time Pixi and Ed had met, and it was really nice that we were all together.  I asked Pixi if she wanted to go shopping next time we were on and she said yes, so when we met up again Hibiscus and I took her to Redgraves where some wonderful skins can be found.

There are so many skins to pick from and I think it was quite bewildering for Pixi at first, but then she got into shopping mode, not a thing most of us women forget!! and soon we had her trying demos on to see which one she liked.

She kept asking us what we thought and Hib and I wanted her to pick, a skin is an important purchase and she had to really like it herself, it was fun though watching her changing in front of our eyes.

She settled for the skin in the picture above and then all she had to do was pick some eyes to go with it, she picked sparkling blue eyes in the end, with long eyelashes and our Pixi was reborn!  I think we all got choked up, Pixi was so happy and so were Hib and I, she looked stunning!

I’m so pleased Pixi is back, I’ve missed her so much and she brings a light into my SL life, I can’t wait for the day when she feels like writing again as her articles are full of wit and fun, just like her, welcome Back Pixi!!

An Invite to a Gallery Opening, Boye’s Shock Horror Shorts and Night in the Pub!

May 21, 2010

I got an invitation to a new Gallery opening a few days ago, it was from Nikk Huet my old boss from Virtually London (lite) so I decided to go and see what it was all about.  I saw Nikk with Saffia Widdershins and Terry Lightfoot as I walked in, and it was nice to see them again.  The event was being linked into the real world as an awards ceremony was going on in Alaska for the Rasmuson Foundation.  You can read the whole thing on my CNN report.  The musician who won the most prestigious award was John Luther Adams, and just my luck, the photo didn’t upload on CNN so I am putting it here.

There have been a few  parties at Tropical Drift lately and Hibiscus and Boye were over there as DJ Gen played the Beach Boys down on the beach front.  I’d been to a party the day before at the Aragon Ballroom and it was a Moody Blues tribute and that was really nice.  Hib called me over, she told me Boye had suddenly branched out from his gentlemanly Victorian outfits to don a pair of wild beach shorts.  I teleported over and couldn’t believe my eyes, and neither could Hib going by the photo, I never thought I’d see Boye in such colourful attire!!

I love getting dressed up and I was wandering around Virtual London last night and thought I’d take a look at the Three Bells pub as there seemed to be a lot going on there.  Well the theme was ‘formal’ and the crowd all looked great in their evening wear.  I decided to go and say hello and take some pictures, and next thing I’d got changed and was dancing the night away.  Hibiscus and Ed joined me and we had a great time.  It’s not a huge dance floor but it is a nice location and it was a friendly crowd too. 

Too Much Going On!

May 14, 2010

The UK general election had been a busy time for me, I’d wanted to see how much was going on in the grid to do with it, and travelled over to see Kat Kassner in her New London sim.  She had a polling station set up, as did Virtual London in Hyde Park.  Kat’s sim is dedicated to Dr Who and all the things to do with the tv show, so she had a couple of extra candidates for government, The Time Lords being one of them.  I decided to do a very quick story for CNN as I thought this was hilarious and got it on within an hour or so.  Next thing CNN International had taken an interest in it and they wanted me to do a follow up story when the voting closed.  It was totally chaotic for me as I had a party to go to at the same time, friend Monet Fitzgerald was selling her beautiful Waverly Yacht Club sim and was having a farewell party.  I rushed back to Kat’s when the polls closed and took some photos, and just as I expected the Time Lords had won the SL election, so I got some more pictures and went off to write it up.  I made it to the party with Drax, as he had come on line and I asked Monet if he could come along too.  Monet looked lovely, so stylish as she danced the night away.  I think she is really going to miss the Waverly sim, but it will be exciting to see what she gets up to next!

I’d had two stories to chase up as well, one about a combat sim called Ordo Imperiarlis and the other about an Alice in WonderSLand show.  I’d spoken to Steeltael Lykin as I had travelled around the he told me about the combat sim, Steeltael was great, he told me that I needed to contact the founder and leader there,  Aryte Vesperia, to get permission to write about the sim, both Aryte and Steeltael (pictured below) contributed an awful lot to my story in the end and I was lucky enough to be shown around the sim too.  Steeltael tells me that they want to recruit more people from Europe for the sim, they have one of the largest groups in SL and anyone interested in combat should contact them.

I’d been looking forward to going to the Alice in WonderSLand show and went over on the 2nd May.  It was amazingly put together and many thanks to AvaJean Westland for inviting me along!  It was a very enjoyable evening in spite of me crashing when I took my pictures!

Robot Dances and the Darn Tarn!

May 5, 2010

The bank holiday was packed with things to do in SL, in fact it’s a good job I can teleport because I would never be able to cover everything otherwise!!  I wanted to call in on the Global Love day event which I had covered on CNN, as I wanted to see everyone there and also do a follow up story on how it all went.  I needn’t have worried about them, they were doing fine and I enjoyed my visit.  I called into virtual Kensington because there was a rumour that London Mayor Boris Johnson was in the sim, well the av had a shock of white hair like good old Boris, so I had to go and have a look, but I’ll tell more on Virtually London (lite), probably tomorrow!  While I was in Kensington I danced around the Maypole with Isobel, Ed, Gold and Piper, which was fun, then I teleported off to a Queen tribute concert at Brie and Seany’s West End club.  Eliza joined us and we had a great time, the tribute band was one of StageOne Production’s performances and they really do well.  Sunday saw the Abba tribute concert in virtual Hyde Park and the London team put on the show themselves.  Abba is always popular and the team went through their paces and put on a good show, it was great fun.

Back at the West End club they had a wacky dances theme and Ed and Drax were there too, shame Hibiscus missed this, she would have loved it, the sight of everyone doing soppy dances was hilarious, Drax came into his own with this one, he usually picks the strangest dances anyway and has me in stitches, but he found a robot dance and looked like he was directing the the traffic!

At the end of the evening we all got on the Bunny Hop dance and formed a line, snaking crazilly around the dance floor, funny how watching your avatar on SL can make you laugh so much, we had a great time.

Drax and I thought we would visit Murray to see who was about earlier in the day and there were only two people there, two ladies.  I found that I couldn’t move when I went to walk and Drax found the same, one of the ladies remained and said she thought she could cast a spell to get rid of whatever it was, it felt like an invisible prim, but who knows.  The lady av cast her spell, making it snow and, low and behold, the invisible barrier vanished.  I think Drax and I thought the same thing, that she may have put the barrier there in the first place.  Murray never changes, it’s still a place for people to try out their tricks which is part of its charm.  Drax decided to call his faithful Tarn and we climbed on board and escaped as the bird flew skywards.  I watched out for the darn Tarn’s beak though, he has tried to bite me before and he isn’t getting a second chance!!

Global Love Day and Down at the Car Lot!

May 1, 2010

Did you know it’s Global Love Day today?  Well it’s a nice idea and the people who run the Love Foundation have brought Global Love Day into SL for the first time, it’s been running for 7 years in real life.  I had a call from Lady Krimmer and she wanted me to meet Eric Evermore (Eric Grant) from the foundation.  Eric IM me and I went on over to their island sim that they have created for today’s events.  There I met Eric and the founder and President Horace W Becker (HB Eternal).  They were already dancing and enjoying themselves, I also met Philip McGillivary, Rick Zackerly, Fleur Feila, Deborealis Messioptra, Kristi Losaberidze and trevor Rufus.  What a lovely bunch of people, they made me very welcome.  Erik, HB and Deb were fairly new and I think they were having a good time finding how to get around.  They plan a big party for today to celebrate Global Love Day, there are many countries involved and it’s a day to spread your love to people all over the world.  It starts at 8am (PDT) till 8pm (PDT), so you can drop in over the 12 hour period and meet them all.  Read all about it at http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-438423

On Tuesday Ed and I headed over to the CNN meeting and Nicole decided to hold the meeting in the car lot for a change.  The funny thing is that the cars all look really nice and you might have thought, well I’ll just sit in this one for the meeting, as Ed tried to do, and he got the nasty message saying  ‘This isn’t your car’ whilst being thrown out.

I don’t think Nicole had seen it happen to Ed and she tried to sit in one of the cars too  and I just managed to see her flying through the air, but I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture, you would think that CNN would at least let their own people have permissions to sit in the cars!  She ended up sitting daintily on the roof of a car and we all sat on them too avoiding the poseballs.  Kake seem to have got into the actual seat, but was sitting sideways, so he cleverly never got ejected.

It was quite a good meeting as there were a few people there and the car lot made a change from the arena meeting area.