Going Japanese In Costa Rica, and Conversation Went So Bad!!!

December 22, 2008

Hibiscus and I got an invitation a couple of days ago from Kirk Claymore and Maddox Dupont who were having a winter party in the Costa Rica sim and it was to be a Japanese theme.  Hib and I love their parties as they are always spectacular and the people who go always look so gorgeous and well dressed.  Hibiscus went off to buy an outfit and l looked through my many BareRose folders, as I love their Japanese designs and have bought many outfits over the time I have been in SL.  I picked one of my favourites, it’s a sort of female warrior type costume and I put it on while Hib shopped.  She returned with a beautiful bright red kimono which really suited her pale colouring.  Off we went and arrived at the prettiest winter landscape I have seen in SL so far.  There were steps leading down to the deep valley and it was a bit like walking in treacle as lag was so bad, but it was worth the effort.





We started to dance and as I looked around I could see all the fantastic costumes worn both by the women and the men.  Even the hairstyles with the gold combs and slides were just right for the occasion.  I felt a bit under dressed compared to all the kimonos, but I still liked my outfit as BareRose garments are so well made and different to anything else in SL.




There was a large crowd and everyone enjoyed themselves so much, Maddox and Kirk looked great, I loved Kirk’s outfit with the leather breastplate and hat, so much detail in his and Maddox’s costumes, it was so well done.





Thanks Kirk and Maddox for a lovely party and I wish them all a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year!!

I went into SL London today (changing the subject) and got accosted by a newbie who had only been born yesterday.  He came straight up to me, and no messing blew a kiss and said the following:

[2008/12/22 6:55]  Rafa : howv much for a quickie?
[2008/12/22 6:55]  Janey Bracken: quickie what?
[2008/12/22 6:55]  Rafa : yes
[2008/12/22 6:55]  Rafa : 🙂
[2008/12/22 6:55]  Janey Bracken: what’s a quickie?
[2008/12/22 6:55]  Janey Bracken: you gone all quiet
He flew off without another word but in his desperate attempt to get away, crashed into all the buildings until he managed to fly down the road to the next sim, I gave chase seeing exactly where he was on the map and landed right next to him, I said

[2008/12/22 6:57]  Janey Bracken: so why are you asking me that?
[2008/12/22 6:57]  Janey Bracken: this is a pg sim
[2008/12/22 6:57]  Rafa : just testing you …
[2008/12/22 6:57]  Janey Bracken: well go and test somewhere else and respect people here

I usually think these people are hilarious, but after you get the same stuff time after time, Hib got a very rude one yesterday!! you just feel like booting them out of the sim, it was funny seeing him bouncing off the buildings in Knightsbridge trying to make his escape though!!!