Mysterious HBA Disappearance and Rude Guy

April 28, 2008

Strange things happen in Second Life and yesterday was the strangest yet.  I had a call from a pal Ryne (a very close acquaintance of Headburro Antfarm, my buddy) telling me that the sim Head was at had crashed taking Head with it and leaving him high and dry.  Head was no longer able to log back into SL and was stuck half ‘in world’ and half out.   The funny thing is that you could see him as a green dot on the map, spot his exact location, but not actually view him.  I flew over and had a look.

I have my radar which displayed his name as being within feet of me, but there was no Headburro hovering there, how odd!!  By chance I bumped into Osprey who was doing the same as me, looking for Head.  She thought that she might be able to bump him back into the system as well.

Nothing seemed to work though.  I met Ryne later and he too had a look, hopefully the Lindens will be able to sort Head out, as he has sent a bug report in.

 Had quite a large gathering at Murray the other night and we heard someong taking lots of pictures.  Turned out to be Nazna and what a good photographer she turned out to be.   I had not known it, but she took pictures of me, Captive and Treasure, putting them on giant posters by the group.

Captive looked very glamerous with her platinum hair and red dress.  Well next thing a guy teleported into the area and went straight up to her and said ‘yo bitch’.  Captive stood for a moment speachless and then said ‘you calling me a bitch?’  He went on to be very insulting and rude and I can’t go into his comments here for obvious reasons.  He was being flash and none of us were impressed, the guys were getting angry and Gil challenged him to go over to the scripted area of Murray to sort him out, but he ignored Gil, being the coward that he was.  I had a bit of a go telling him that no one wanted him here with that attitude and the guys gathered round him showing their support for Captive.  He gave up in the end and left, not the best way to make friends is it!!!

Finally heres just a couple of pictures of the bears I got from the Lindens the other day.  I collected quite a few and they are all really nice.