English Role Play and Back to Thentis

August 13, 2010

I’ve been looking around for English sims and came across a nice one that is set in the early 1800s’ it is the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Antiquity London.  It was very quiet when I first found it, but I went back there with Drax later on and we both dressed the part as it is a role play sim.  We sat for a while on the East India Dock and watched the boats going by.

The kindly Harbour Master told us about an Inn a little further down the road so we decided to have some refreshments.  Julie the barmaid made us very welcome and I had a glass of mead while Drax ordered some ale.

We listened as Julie chatted to a sailor and she gave some water to two dogs who wandered in and made themselves at home.  The Inn was a pleasing place to be and the mead was very good!  Drax and I decided to leave Antiquity London, planning to go back there again, and travel over to the Gorean City of Thentis.  I had to go home to get changed first, being a strict dress code in Gorean Cities, I didn’t want to look out-of-place or get rejected.  I put on my free woman dress, it’s blue as I am a scribe, (quite fitting for the amount of writing I do!), I can’t really come to terms with the face veil though, but it goes with the role, so I put it on, Drax thinks it stops me talking, so he’s quite happy that I wear it!!.  We teleported and landed outside the city.

Drax went marching off and I followed, he found his way around to the gates and shouted out to see if someone would let us weary travellers in!

A kind lady, another scribe, let us enter and made us welcome. Her name was Regan and she told us about how the city was going through many changes and being re-built in places.  Thentis looked very nice and it was good to visit it again, Drax had a little house there quite a while ago and he had enjoyed living there. 

We thanked Regan and said our farewells.  Drax has recently heard from a friend who was from the old Thentis and she has returned to the town, so we may go again soon and hopefully she can show us around.

Heavyweight Global Warming To Role Play In Gor

December 6, 2009

Most of my attention has been drawn to writing stuff on CNN this week, I have been invited to go to the in-world Copenhagen climate change conference by the organiser, as fellow ireporter Vickie Maistone had told him about me, but I had to IM the organiser back and say although I am accepting the invitation, which was really nice, I am also a sceptic and I have been writing about the leaked emails belonging to the top scientist Prof Phil Jones who it seems has been manipulating the data because the planet isn’t warming up at all.  See Global Warming or a Scam, An Update on Global Warming and Global Warming, when the Truth is Really Inconvenient.  I realised that I would be in for a lot of stick because people are pretty fanatical about green issues, calling sceptics ‘deniers’ or ‘flatearthers’ as it’s treated like a religion and I think if this had been going on in the 17th Century the Save the Planet brigade may have even hunted sceptics down and burned them at the stake, but I just think the truth should be out there, the media are doing a great job of covering the leaked emails up.  I will try to get to most of the in-world conference as it is linked straight into the real world one, who knows they may even have a balanced debate, but I doubt it somehow.   

The nice thing about SL is that you can take your mind off of stuff like Global Warming for a little while and just enjoy wandering around.  I took my Arabian horse for a ride around virtual London, Brie and Torric and their London team have been putting up the Christmas lights and it looks a treat.

Later on Drax and I took to the skies on the tarn again, he is getting really good at controlling the giant bird.  We flew back over to the Gorean City of Thentis and made a very smooth landing in one of the streets there.  The tarn really dislikes me, as every time I get off him he tries to bite me, I had a meter attachement on that shows when I am in danger and the tarn was having a right go.  I think he has bonded with Drax and doesn’t like anyone else, what a nasty bird!

We looked around the city and found some people sitting around a big fire and we asked if we could join them.  We sat and chatted for a while and I tried a bit of role play as a free woman.  I am still a bit rusty with it all, but I enjoyed having a go and exchanged questions with the others at the fireside.  It made a real change to real life politics and was a bit of fun.

Flying With The Tarn and Camera Mistake

November 28, 2009

I met Drax and we went over to a sandbox, Alphonso Pidgeon had kindly given Drax one of his Slea-z-boy chairs and we were looking forward to trying it out.  Drax looked relaxed in the chair as he put it through its paces. 

He suddenly thought it might be a good idea to fly the tarn again, the Gorean bird that he hasn’t practiced with for some time.  It’s a giant vicious looking black bird with nasty talons and a sharp beak.  As we intended flying over a Gorean city I put my new Freewoman Dress on (it’s lovely, pale blue and very floaty, plus you get the headdress with it too).  Off we sped and soon arrived over the rooftops of Thentis.

Drax soon got the hang of the tarn, turning and twisting above the city, it was a smooth ride, the tarn screeched and you could hear it’s wings flapping as it gained height.  Eventually Drax brought it down safely within the city walls and he jumped off.  I followed but landed near the vicious beak of the tarn who tried to bite  and scratch me with his huge talons, what a bad-tempered bird!

(You may notice I have blocked part of the pictures out with a blue square.  I took loads of pictures over the day and had forgotten to untick the bit on the camera that shows the interface of chat boxes and text, so it was a bit of a disaster.  There’s a real lesson to be learned for me to make sure I put the camera controls back the way they were at the end of using the camera to shoot the interface (I use it to photograph some pictures taken in-world).  I had a whole day of nearly wasted pictures.)

After Drax put the tarn back in its cage we decided to go to Avilion, which was great, as I already had my long dress on.  The Avilion ballroom is so pretty and we had a couple of dances until we had to return to real life.

Gorean City Thentis destroyed

June 1, 2008

It was with great pity that I learned about the Gorean City of Thentis being razed to the ground.  It was a beautifully built city, with its Tudor style architecture and great Market Place. 

Drax and I took a look at the empty sim with a bit of sadness as its where we first met and he had his house there for a while.  We will both be glad that it existed at all though, as it was the beginning of our friendship.